Hello Agility helps you build leadership and relationship skills so that you (and your teams) can outperform in life and at work
“Coaching done well may be the most effective intervention designed for human performance”
Typical reasons why people engage in leadership team coaching:
“My leadership team has been working together for 6-12 months now. Whilst we have made some progress towards our goals, we are not performing at the level I want and need us to be at. Something needs to change in the way that we think, interact, work and lead together but I don’t know the what or the how”
“The nature of my business, my operating model or my leadership team has changed (or needs to be changed). I need someone objective to help me understand then build the mindsets and behaviours required for us to move forward”
Engage in leadership team coaching for 6-12 months under a simple structure
Executive Coaching
for all leadership team members (weekly or fortnightly)
Observation & Feedback Loops
to identify focus areas to work on
Workshops or Offsites
for the whole leadership team targeting identified focus areas (monthly or quarterly)
There will be:
Pre-work required for each coaching session, workshop or offsite (at a minimum)
Clear guidelines surrounding the confidentiality of each coaching session, workshop or offsite
An expectation that all workshops and offsites (at a minimum) are conducted in person unless otherwise agreed
An expectation that interactions such as coaching sessions as well as observation and feedback loops are conducted in person where practical &/or virtually where appropriate
You and your leadership team are responsible for your own progress and performance.
As your partner in performance, Hello Agility is:
Here to provide trusted independent support that generates actionable insights
Not here to do the work for you
Feel like the team just needs a little bit of bonding time to begin with? Look at the strengths and stories based Team Building workshop options
Want to boost the performance of your leadership team but want to do it as a pre-defined and structured executive leadership development program? Look at the Leading with Agility option