Hello Agility helps you build leadership and relationship skills so that you (and your teams) can outperform in life and at work
“Coaching done well may be the most effective intervention designed for human performance”
Typical reasons why people engage in group coaching:
“I have a group of people inside my organisation facing similar leadership and relationship based challenges. I want to use a structured approach to strengthen their networks and get them to find solutions by collaborating as a community across silos”
“My team recently participated in a Capability Building workshop (or are about to). I want to give them additional implementation support. A regular time and place where they can work through the challenges they face when executing their action plans”
Engage in group coaching for 3-6 months under a simple structure
A series of group coaching sessions (fortnightly or monthly)
There will be:
Pre-work required for each session by some or all participants
Clear guidelines surrounding the confidentiality of each session
A virtual location for each session unless otherwise agreed
Participants are responsible for their own progress and performance.
As your partner in performance, Hello Agility is:
Here to provide trusted independent support that generates actionable insights
Not here to do the work for you
Wand to start with a workshop that will strengthen the foundations of your leadership and relationship skills? Look at the Influencing for Impact workshop option