Hello Agility helps you build leadership and relationship skills so that you (and your teams) can outperform in life and at work
Typical reasons why people engage in executive coaching:
“I have a specific area in my performance that I want help with. I want my learning to be tailored to me and I want to build my leadership and relationship skills under the privacy, confidentiality and safety of a one-on-one setting”
“I want to focus on improving my leadership and relationship skills for my personal and professional development. I don’t know what I don’t know, so would like to start with an assessment of my strengths, a test of my emotional intelligence or a reflection on how I am leading with agility”
Engage in executive coaching for 3-6 months under a simple structure
A series of coaching sessions (weekly or fortnightly initially with the option of dropping back to once every 3-4 weeks depending on needs and schedules)
Interviews with stakeholders, surveys, assessments or observational sessions for debrief and feedback
If you engage with Hello Agility through your employer, your people leader will be engaged at the beginning, middle and end of the program where appropriate to ensure alignment to purpose, roles and responsibilities for coaching
There will be:
Pre-work required for each session
Clear guidelines surrounding the confidentiality of each session
A virtual location for each session unless otherwise agreed
You are responsible for your own progress and performance.
As your partner in performance, Hello Agility is:
Here to provide trusted independent support that generates actionable insights
Not here to do the work for you
Want to engage in coaching together with your colleagues? Look at the Leadership Team Coaching, Group Coaching and Leading with Agility options