Hello Agility helps you build leadership and relationship skills so that you (and your teams) can outperform in life and at work

Through my research, I found that vulnerability is the glue that holds relationships together. It’s the magic sauce... staying vulnerable is a risk we have to take if we want to experience connection
— Brene Brown (Researcher, Author, Speaker)

Are you ready to outperform in life and at work?

Leaders who support their teams by matching strengths to tasks and emphasise individual strengths over seniority when making employment (and teaming) decisions achieve higher performance as leaders

Team members can optimise their own individual performance as well as their collective team performance if they are aware of, trust in, and allocate tasks in line with each other’s strengths

During this practical workshop, you will get to


into the space of vulnerability and build empathetic bonds using personal stories


your strengths and the strengths of others across your team in deliberate ways


your strengths in a balanced way to amplify your personal impact


your collective strengths to amplify your collective impact

The time commitment for each participant will be

30 minutes

to do the pre-work

6.5 to 8 hours

to participate in the workshop (depends on the number of participants and the level of customisation)

Customisation requests are welcome if you would like to narrow in and explore how your collective strengths across the team are playing out in a real life scenario

The MAXIMISE section of the workshop already has a thoughtfully designed activity, so there is no pressure to customise anything at all if you’d like to keep the conversation broad!

Want to use strengths at the individual level rather than at the team level to enhance your personal performance? Look at the Coaching or Public Workshop options


Thriving Teams