Hello Agility helps you build leadership and relationship skills so that you (and your teams) can outperform in life and at work
The Business Agility Institute studied 123 organisations from around the world between 2018 and 2024, and found that:
those who increased their business agility maturity saw revenue per employee increase by 31% year on year (on average)
outdated leadership capabilities remained the most common and most impactful challenge that organisations faced in their pursuit of outperformance through agility
During the recent third and fourth industrial revolutions, the focus on individuals and interactions, customer collaborations, working solutions and being responsive to change in agile ways of working laid down the foundational leadership expectations for an age that was defined by digitisation and rapid technological advancement
We are now in the cognitive age of the fifth industrial revolution where humans, machines and the environment are meant to be working together to ensure the planet is happy, healthy and sustainable
Those foundational leadership expectations have changed
Deeper leadership and relationship skills have become a necessity in elevating the human experience, in leveraging our unique cognitive and emotional strengths and in supercharging our human performance when augmented by the execution prowess of machine capabilities
“One day” or Day 1? The choice is yours
Work with Hello Agility collectively as a leadership team to build the leadership and relationship skills required for humans, machines and the environment to work together in pursuit of a happier, healthier and more sustainable planet. Give yourself every opportunity to outperform in life and at work
Typical reasons why people engage in the Leading with Agility program:
“We’re working in an ‘agile’ environment, but my leadership team and I don’t really know what that practically means for us as senior leaders. We get a lot of technical training when it comes to things like frameworks, processes and tools but nothing in terms of our human skills to help us succeed in our roles”
“I’m feeling the tension between running and changing my business at the same time. There is a disconnect somewhere in the way that we think, interact, work and lead together in my team but I don’t know what or how to move forward as a leader or leadership team”
“I’m unsure how my leadership team and I can best engage, lead, help and support our teams as we leap towards a world where harmonious collaborations between humans and machines is becoming a reality. I know we need to show up differently, but we don’t know the what or the how. Help us figure out what that looks like and to put together some strategies to execute”
In this executive leadership development program, your leadership team will work with Hello Agility to
understand up to 6 critical leadership and relationship skills, mindsets and behaviours that contribute to leading with agility
understand at an individual and at a leadership team level what actions you need to dial up or dial down within the 6 critical skills, mindsets and behaviours to lead with agility
Engage in the Leading with Agility program for a period of 4-12 months under a simple structure
Self-Reflection: a live one-on-one conversation to help you understand how you believe you show up as a leader today
360 Feedback: ask your colleagues to provide feedback on how they believe you show up as a leader today
360 Debrief: in a live one-on-one conversation we put the data from your self-reflection up against your 360 feedback and interpret the insights together
Half Day or Full Day Workshop: all participants come together to share what you learnt individually, build capability in the leadership or relationship skills that requires the biggest collective boost and determine how you best support, work and lead together moving forward as a leadership team
Executive Coaching for all leadership team members (weekly or fortnightly)
Workshops or offsites for the whole leadership team targeting identified focus areas (monthly or quarterly)
There will be:
Pre-work required for each activity in the program
Clear guidelines surrounding the confidentiality of each activity
An expectation that all activities are conducted in person unless otherwise agreed
You and your leadership team are responsible for your own progress and performance.
As your partner in performance, Hello Agility is:
Here to provide trusted independent support that generates actionable insights
Not here to do the work for you
The time commitment for each participant will be
2 days
spread across a 4 month period for the MANDATORY component of the program
additional time commitments dependent on the approach and frequency of each activity for the OPTIONAL component of the program
Want to boost your ability to lead with agility but don’t want to do it together with your whole leadership team? Look at the Executive Coaching option
Want to boost your leadership and relationship skills as a leadership team but not as a part of a pre-defined executive leadership development program? Want to customise the experience to be unique for your leadership team and for your organisational context? Look at the Leadership Team Coaching option
Ball, C. (2021). ‘Beauty and the Beast’: How emerging technology and Industry 5.0 will allow us to be more human. https://www.studyaustralia.gov.au/en/tools-and-resources/masterclass-library/the-5th-industrial-revolution
Business Agility Institute. (2024). 2024 Business Agility Report. Retrieved 19 December 2024 from https://businessagility.institute/learn/2024-business-agility-report/754
Walsh, M., & Mittal, N. (2024). What Is The Fifth Industrial Revolution? | Mike Walsh & Nitin Mittal | Industry 5.0. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vjpEYQA0rCE